Saturday Music Classes
Singing Classes & Choirs
Classes are fun and exciting and every child will gain confidence from the act of singing together.
We have options available for all ages;
- Pre-school, Primary 1 and 2:
Young singers will be encouraged to ‘pitch match’ in a range suitable for their age and stage. We’ll introduce Kodály hand signs to practise early musicianship, and rhythm and listening skills will be developed.
- Primary 3 and 4:
Children will extend their range and be encouraged to make a lovely sound. Skills in listening, concentrating and memory will be practised. Early aural skills will be encouraged and the use of Kodály hand signs will continue, to help musicianship.
- Primary 5 to 7:
Children will be introduced to ‘part singing’ with children singing regularly in two or three-part harmony – there will also be the opportunity to sing individually if wished. Kodály signing will be used and early notation, posture, breathing and sound production will be practised along with aural skills. At this stage, children will be introduced to music notation and a recognised choral repertoire will be covered.